This Holiday Season...
-I am blessed to share with the love of my life.
-I am blessed to share with the love of my life.
-We have already received the greatest gift in Cayden.
-We are so thankful for all of the blessings in our lives - great family and friends, a good home, plenty to share with each other and others, all of the gifts we are fortunate to have in our lives on a daily basis.
-I am very lucky to be living the life that we live, and thankful for that every day.
Cayden is glowing an growing before our very eyes on a daily basis. His smile lights up my heart every single day, and Cyle and I have really gotten into a pretty solid routine. I can't say it enough - that man has really amazed me! To see the two men in my life smile to each other simply puts everything at ease in my mind and heart. Every day is a new adventure with them!
Update Time!
My big Buddha is up to nearly 16lbs!! (and while we're speaking of nicknames...I'll go over a few that are thrown around often, so you'll know who I'm speaking of if I toss a new one out!
Buddha, which then turned into Booder, then quickly changes to Boodie ( "booty!")! I'd have to say that Boodie is definitely the most frequently used...however Boodie has also been switched to Doobie from time to time as well!
Okay, I think that's all of them!
Anyway...My big man is now eating baby food like a champion! He hasn't found one that he doesn't like yet! He is out of his shoes on a daily basis, and now only wears them at night! That was a huge accomplishment! He definitely loves the freedom, and I had to go out and get him his Christmas present early...A JUMPAROO! He now freely jumps around in that thing like a crazy man! He LOVES it! He has gotten so verbal, and loves the sound of his own voice! He squeals and screams in delight and talks up a storm these days! And his smile is a bright as ever!
Here are a few new pics! Enjoy!
Happy Cayden! "Look Mama, No Brace!!"

Just hanging around on Thanksgiving
Elmer Fudd
(Assisted) Ring-around-the-Rosie with Sarah and Molly!
Our Happy Boy
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