Thursday, November 18, 2010

We're having lots of fun these days!

Thanks to Meme, we have some more great pictures of our little Miss Mya! She's 3 months old, and I absolutely can't believe it. I can't believe that this little girl has only been here for 3 seems as though she's always been part of this family. And I can't believe it's already been 3 months!! It's crazy how time flies, and my tiny peanut is getting older, and slightly bigger by the minute! If you've seen her lately, you'll understand - she is bigger than she used to be, but she is still so small! At three months, we're still struggling to fit into most 0-3 months clothes, and the majority of her clothes are still newborn size! She's so dainty! But is definitely feisty at the same time!

Cayden has really been the greatest big brother. He always needs to know where Mya is and what she's doing. He is the first to let me know if Mya is smiling or crying. He loves to get right down to her level to "play" with her, talks to her in his best baby voice, then yells to me "Mama! Mya smile to me!" I love those words. I hope that these two will be forever close. I hope Cayden finds a good playmate and secret-keeper in Mya, and I hope Mya will know Cayden as a strong, protective big brother and best friend as they grow together.
This little one might be small in size, but she is big in attitude! She is so sassy already, and definitely is beginning to have a personality all her own...and so very different than Cayden. She doesn't like to sit still in one place very long, she's very fidgety, and when she's mad...she lets us know it! This girly knows two types of voices - laughing, coo-ing and bubble blowing is the first...and full-out screaming that little head of hers off is the other! We're lucky that we mostly hear the first! It's when she's tired or hungry that the screams emerge, and there's usually a quick fix to that!
Here she is...Miss Personality!

I love how bright-eyed and curious she already is at 3 months. She loves to lay on her back, not so much on her tummy; she loves to be swaddled up tight and typically falls asleep within minutes when she is; she holds her head up like a champ and loves to pull herself up to standing (fully supported on our laps!). She's strong little one, and loves to know just what's going on at all times!
From smiley to serious in the blink of an eye...but still so darn cute!
She's the most peaceful little sleeper. She is sleeping well through the night, and we've even had nights that she's slept soundly for over 10 hours!! Growing is such hard work! :-)
When she's playtime! She's ready to go!
She and Cayden have some pretty serious conversations sometimes!
And how 'bout this big guy?! He is amazing me these days with his outstanding vocabulary. He is super smart and surprises me with new words and phrases every single day. You tell this boy something one time, and he stores it somewhere in that big head of his, then pulls it back out when we least expect it. I love to watch him learn every day, and to know that he's gonna grow up to be one smart cookie! Here he is with his Toys R Us Christmas magazine. He got a hold of it when it came in the mail, and he pulls it out literally every day and just sits on the floor and studies it. He is adorable!
I'm not gonna lie...I always hated the shows Dora and Diego. I thought why should a toddler be learning spanish from a tv show when they haven't even mastered the english vocabulary yet. But I'll now admit that Diego is Cayden's new best friend, and he has taught Cayden a TON of new things! Unlike Dora, this show isn't completely focused on the spanish...Diego is an animal rescuer...and if you know Cayden, you know he LOVES animals. Thanks to Diego, Cayden can now pick out the following animals, say their names and be the first to tell you the sounds that each makes: whale, chinchilla, scarlet macaw, sloth, alligator, fruit bat, howler monkey, coyote, maned wolf, prairie dog, river dolphin (and the list goes on!)...I mean seriously - these aren't your average cats and dogs here. We're learning some great stuff!
A few more things...a few weeks ago, we decided it was time to get rid of Cayden's Bink. Boy did he love his "dinty!" And I knew it was gonna be hard to break his addiction...but he surprised me! Recently he was using it only is his bed for nighttime and naps, so one morning he woke up and I took it in my hand and said "We don't need this Bink anymore, right?" I went on to tell him that babies like Mya need binkies but that he was a big boy now and big boys just go to sleep without them. He said "yeah. Cayden's a big boy. No dinty no more." And with that, I put it away in the drawer (didn't throw it away just yet...I didn't know what that next night would bring!) But to my surprise, bedtime that night went very smoothly without the Bink. I laid him down, and he asked for it, but I reminded him that he doesn't need it anymore. He said "Right, mama. No dinty no more." I gave him his hug and kiss and he was dreaming within minutes...without another peep about his Bink. And we haven't spoken of it again! :-) Next challenge...the POTTY!
Recently, Grandma B came to town for a visit! She was a big help with the kids for Cyle and I, watching them while we worked. Meme got a little vacation! Cayden loves playing with Grandma - she is creative and makes fun new games for him, they go exploring outside, and they read lots of books together. Here's a picture I got of them, from inside the house. I stood and watched as they played in the driveway, sorting rocks for about a half hour! It's the little things! :-)

So time continues to fly by, and my kiddos continue to grow before my eyes. I wish I could record every minute of their little lives to look back on and never forget....but we can't. So I'm hoping that my mind will do the best possible job of storing these memories for me, and reminding me often of all of the trials, successes, funny moments and everything in between that we've gone through as a family.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

October...Mya is 2 Months!!

We are nearing the end of October, and this is my last month off of work, so we've really been trying to enjoy every last day! This month has been filled with laughter, kisses, fun outings with cousins, and play time at home. My babies are growing before my eyes and changing so much with every day that passes. And they are too cute for words!
I'm about a week late, but Mya is officially 2 months old, and the time is just flying! Here are her stats as of her 2 month doctor visit:
2 Months
9 pounds, 6 ounces
22 inches

Mya is growing pretty well these days... nearing the 50% for both height and weight. She is having some trouble with reflux from time to time, and decides to projectile vomit entire feedings...but hopefully that will resolve sooner than later! It's crazy to me that she is more than 2 pounds lighter than Cayden was at this point! She's gonna be my petite, feisty little thing! These days, Mya is smiling a ton, lifting her head really well on her belly, and trying so hard to talk and tell us stories! She sleeps pretty well through the night, upstairs in her own room, waking usually only once through the night. We did a photo shoot with Meme today and here are some of the best shots!
One of those precious smiles I was talking about!
This is Mya's "Baby." She loves this little doll, smiling and coo-ing to her whenever she's in sight! Mya is a very smiley baby, and her big brother is the absolute best at making her laugh! He talks to her and tickles her and her face just lights up...and I love watching my two smiling together - I hope they always will.
I think Mya's face here reads, "Are we done yet?" She's Beautiful :-)
And while we're here, we MUST talk about Cayden. He is 27 months now, and he absolutely amazes me! He is talking in full sentences (that for the most part we can actually understand!!), and he is in the "let's repeat everything I hear" stage...Uh-Oh! Cyle and I really have to watch what we say around this little sponge, because before we know it he's walking around saying "Oh Crap." And sometimes worse! Now I don't want to offend anyone here, I'm simply writing the following so I can look back and laugh someday... When Cyle realized that Cayden wanted to be just like Daddy, and would imitate things that he said, Cyle thought it would be funny to see if Cayden would repeat something naughty. Well it only took one time of Cyle asking Cayden to say "Right on, big tits" before Cayden was answering my questions with this phrase, and even saying it to strangers AND his physical therapist!! UGH!! As hilarious as it is when he says it (I know, I'm bad), it is VERY embarrassing!! I made Cyle have a talk with Cayden about how those were bad words, and not to say it anymore, and I made Cyle vow to me never to teach him to say things like that again! He thinks it's funny, but 9 times out of 10 it's me that's with Cayden out in public when he says it, and me who has to experience the embarrassment! But I do want to put it here in my memory log, to tell Cayden about when he's 20 - I think he might get a kick out of it!
Anyway...other than talking constantly, Cayden is doing very well with therapy, has no fractures for 7 months now, and checked out well at his 2 year doctor appointment (31 pounds and 33 inches). He is getting more independent and helpful everyday, he loves to play with other kids but is absolutely content playing alone as well. He calls everyone "friend" - says "Hi friends" when we're out in public, and even beckons strangers to "Watch this, friends" when he has something to show them! He makes me smile. He can spell his name and count to 10 too!! He's gonna be a smart one! Here's a picture of my big boy with his new best friend, Diego!
So I'm back to work the 1st of November...and I just don't know what I'm going to do without these babies of mine everyday! Staying home and playing with them everyday is something I could really get used to!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Our Happy Anniversary

On this day, October 13, in 2007 Cyle and I were married. This was absolutely one of the greatest days of my life. To me, my husband is the best of everything I've ever wanted in a man, and even some things I never even knew I wanted. We definitely came from two different worlds, but there's a reason we came together, and I truly believe that.

So much more than my partner in life, Cyle is the father to my two, perfectly amazing children. Without him , these blessings never would have been, and I'm thankful everyday that they are.
In our journey together, we have had both good days and bad, and just as we vowed to do, we've gotten through it all together. Cayden is imperfectly perfect in our eyes - we've created such a handsome, special boy, and I would never change a thing about him. And our newest little bundle, Mya, is perfect in her own way as well. I'm sure she will grow to be a lovely little peanut, with the love of two parents who adore her. All of this would never have been possible without the bond that Cyle and I have. And I'm in love. In love with three beings that absolutely make my world turn every day.

So Happy Anniversary hunny! I love you with everything I am. This last 3 years have been so special to me, and I vow to make the following years just the same!
Ps - Happy Anniversary to my Mom and Dad as well, who married 28 years before we did. And to Grandpa and our angel, Grandma Gert, who married 28 years before my parents. What a special bond. I love you all!

Friday, October 8, 2010

A Letter to My Meme!

Hi Meme! It's me, Cayden! You're away in Italy, Mommy says, and I just wanted to tell you that we miss you! It's been hard not seeing you and playing with you for so many days! We'll have to play lots when you get home. I have some pictures of some of the things we've been doing while you've been away... I'll start with Mya first, then save the best part for last (ME!)...
Mya has been sleeping upstairs in her own bed like a big girl! Sometimes I can hear her crying at night because she wants a Mommy feeds her and she goes right back to bed for the rest of the night! She's growing big...wait til you see!

Look Meme! Mya smiles ALL the time now! I think she's a happy girl.

Okay, that's enough of's my turn to show you what I've been up to! Mommy and Aunt BeBe went somewhere one day, and I stayed and played with Uncle Donny, Rah-Rah and Mo! Next thing I knew, Mama came home with this Dino suit for me to play in! It has spikes and a tail and everything!! I am going to be a T-Rex for Halloween, but this isn't my real'll have to wait to see that one, but it's sooo cool! This one I like to play in every day!

And this is the best part....I've been working really hard since you left, and I can do something really special now! I even sent this to Papa to show him how smart I'm getting! Check this out!!

And there's one more thing I can do now, that you'll have to see when you get home (Mommy can't videotape me doing it and make sure I'm safe at the same time!) I'll give you a hint....What do you get when you put a big boy on a big red tricycle on the driveway?!?! Yep! Me riding ALL BY MYSELF!!! Wait til you see!

Well that's it for now! We read your blog all the time and we miss you! Keep having fun and we'll see you soon!! Love you!!

Your favorite grandboy :-)


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This makes me smile...

Cookies make him smile!
Those fingers! Those arms! Those CHEEKS! Yummy in every way!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 17th -Mya's One Month!

I realize I'm a few days early with this post, but we were at Meme's today so we took our One Month pictures! I can't believe 4 weeks have passed so quickly! My little peanut is doing pretty well, and we're all adjusting to our new lives these days.

Mya Brynn
One Month
6 pounds, 15 ounces
19.75 inches

She is so different than Cayden was at this point! I think he was eating about 4 ounces every feeding...couldn't ever seem to get enough to eat! My little Mya on the other hand isn't quite so eager to eat. She has just finally hit the 2 oz feedings consistently, and on a good day might even take 3! She's so petite. She's only gained 15 ounces from her birth weight, and our goal is to be gaining about an ounce a we're working on getting her a little bigger! But overall she's doing really well. It amazes us to see how much more toned her muscles are than Cayden's were at this point too. With him, we thought his little floppy limbs were normal, but knowing now that that's part of the OI diagnosis, we've really noticed that Mya is a lot more stiff and less flexible...and that is actually normal. She's so fun, sweet to cuddle with, and is really a good baby. She is waking once during the night to eat, then falls right back asleep. And we couldn't be happier!
Mya works really hard to hold her little head up! She LOVES to be on her tummy, and is already propelling herself forward with her feet like a little frog! She makes my heart smile!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Getting Stronger!

"You haven't forgotten about me, have you?!"
So I thought I'd write a little bit about my big slug, Cayden today! We have almost hit the 6 month mark since his last break...and boy is that something to celebrate! He is getting stronger as each day passes, and it thrills me to watch him grow and find new abilities. He started his weekly physical therapy sessions last week, with Miss. Ann Marie, who he adores. They have so much fun together! I'm pretty sure he really just likes her for all of the fun toys, gadgets and obstacles she has...but we'll let her think it's because of her bubbly personality! I'm convinced he thinks its like Christmas every time we walk through those playroom doors - Stairs, Trampolines, Gym mats, Bicycles, Tricycles, Balls, Dinosaurs, Cars - you name it, she's got it...and all at his fingertips for one hour every Tuesday morning! Ann Marie will be our therapist each week, and she is aware of his history of club foot and his newly diagnosed OI, and can't wait to help him strengthen his muscles, joints, and in-turn his bones. We work on walking on different terrains to help with balance, climbing and descending stairs, jumping, kicking, and riding a bike. It's so fun for him, and he's convinced we're only playing, but I see his little muscles and joints working, and his confidence building with each new activity mastered. We were told that we have to start letting him do more things on his own, within reason, to continue with progress at home. Cyle and I find that we have been restricting his activities to try our best to prevent breaks, but we're beginning to realize that there will be much less progress and strengthening if we don't let him do things on his own. So that's our homework each week...Cayden's is to climb the stairs and ride his tricycle!
We also saw Dr. Ballock last week! We have visits with him every 6 months to monitor his feet and ankles (unless we see him more frequently due to breaks). Cayden absolutely adores Dr. Ballock too. He's learned to say his name, and is always so excited to go to "Dr. Ballock's HOUSE!" On our way to his office last week he spent the whole car ride laughing and smiling and so excited to be going to "Dr. Ballock's house." Then we got there, and he walked into our room and Cayden just froze. Would not talk to him, and would hardly look at him! I was so disappointed because I wanted Dr. Ballock to see how excited he always is to talk about him and to see him... the BONE doctor! Oh well! That's a 2 year old for ya! Anyway, the appointment went very well - he's excited that Cayden is walking so well, we talked about the plan to return to Shriner's in a year, and he looked over his feet and told us that everything is still looking great! No visit again for another 6 months!! (We hope!)
"We're almost to Dr. Ballock's House!"
There he is! And everyone's happy but Mr. Cayden.
"Oh yeah...I'm still doing a great job at being a big brother too! It's a hard job, but someone's gotta do it!"

Monday, August 30, 2010

Our first week home!

Our first week home went so well!! We've adjusted pretty quickly and rather effortlessly into our new roles; Cyle and I as parents of a newborn again, and Cayden as a Big Brother! Cayden is doing really well with it all - for the most part! He is better with her than I ever thought he'd be - so gentle, and always needing to know where his Mya all times! His listening skills and good behavior, however have started to worsen. I know this is normal, and can be expected when he once had all of Mama's attention, and now has to share. He's just testing me, and I'm having some trouble with it at times, but we'll get through it. He's a good boy, and just doesn't know any different at this point - we've all got some learning to do together. And it will get better :-)

I decided that with Mya I wanted to track her growth on a monthly basis - with more than just numbers. I took the kiddos over to Meme's to do a little photo shoot with Mya at 1 week old. I plan on doing this monthly for her first year - then periodically after that. They just grow too fast, and I want to remember her being so small! So here they are...
My little Tater Tot! :-)

So darn cute! I'm biased...I know :-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mya's Story...Part II

So my baby girl was born at 4:57pm, weighing 6 pounds, 18.5 inches long, and as perfect as can be. Just when she was placed on my chest for some bonding time, the house physician strolled in...looking a little frantic. He told us he was across the street, and he ran through the parking lot as fast as he could, but not quite fast enough it seemed. He missed the most important part, but showed up just in time to collect cord blood, and to give me a quick check over. At this point, we were all doing well, and didn't even really care to see a doctor - We (myself, Cyle, Linda, my mom and miss Mya) had done the hard part...which wasn't so hard....and we joked about getting the doctor's pay for the delivery! I still wonder how that works - Linda should definitely get a bonus for that day! Once I was all cleaned up, everyone had taken a few deep breaths, and a sense of calm came back to the room, in walked the lovely Dr. Starck! She was in traffic, on the way to the hospital, and just didn't get there fast enough. She was elated that everything went so well, but also a bit bummed that she missed it. She's 2-for-2 in missing my children's births! But I love her, and wouldn't give her up! She said I looked great, and the baby was adorable, then off she went! More business to tend to. We waited about an hour, with Mya resting on my chest doing what they now call "Kangaroo Care," - that initial bonding time, skin-to-skin, then we finally weighed and measured her. About an hour later, Linda wheeled us upstairs to the post-partum unit. It was there that Linda gave me a big hug, and told me that she was so glad that her first delivery, in nearly 19 years of her career, went so well, and was with "such a wonderful family." She told Cyle and I that she was really thankful to have taken care of us that day...and I quickly returned the thanks to her. We'll never forget her - Mya was a lucky girl that day!
Cyle and I spent the rest of that night just loving on our new baby girl. I was feeling fine, no pain at all, getting up on my own (already wanting to go home to our house with our newest bundle...but I knew that wasn't possible). Aunt BB came to visit - she couldn't wait to meet her niece! Then daddy went home to get a good night's sleep - Cayden was staying the night at Meme's. I snuggled with Mya alone until about 12:30am, then let her spend the night in the nursery - so we could both get some well-deserved sleep. I promptly trotted to the nursery at 6am to pick her up the next morning - I already missed her tons! Cyle headed back to the hospital around 8am, we ate breakfast together, then he bonded with her while Mama showered! Mya was seen by the pediatrician, and we were told that everything checked out perfectly! Now we waited. 10am. Visiting hour for siblings! Meme and Papa were bringing Cayden to meet Mya, and I couldn't wait to see how it would go! I heard him talking in the hallway, and went out to greet him first!
He was really happy to see me...

and to see Daddy!
He walked into the room and saw the baby in the bassinet....and yelled MYA!! Right then, he knew it was her. He wanted to see her, he wanted to hold her all by was like he had always known was perfect.
We left the hospital that evening around 6:30pm. Not bad! Just over 24 hours after having her - I figured we were all feeling just fine, let's do this at home! We headed to Meme's to pick Cayden up, then went our new life. As a family of 4. Love it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Mya's Story: Part I

Tuesday. August 17th, 2010...
I woke up early this day, around 5:30 am...just another day. Except today I picked up a day shift at work, so I was headed in at 7am instead of my 11am shift. I got to work just fine, nothing new. We had no patients, so my pals Monica, Jess and I were just hanging out at the nurses station, chatting. Jess said to me that she had a weird dream the night before that she wouldn't see me at work because I had a baby this day. I laughed and said that would be fine with me!! We wandered to the cafeteria to grab a quick breakfast before any patients arrived for the morning...once again, feeling just fine. It was now about 8:30am...we were walking back, I was headed to the bathroom and MY WATER BROKE! I didn't panic, I simply snuck into the bathroom (hoping nobody saw what just happened!) I texted my mom to ask what it was like when it really happened...though I had already known in my mind that this was for real. I peeked my head out of the bathroom and called for my friend Monica - thank god she was there that day and I felt 100% comfortable in a rather awkward situation!! She came, and I told her what had happened, sent her out to my car to grab my packed bag, then I quickly called to tell Cyle that today was going to be the day! Once changed, I waited in our unit for Cyle to arrive (the whole time our Peds doc reminding me that I needed to head upstairs soon because he didn't deliver any babies before 10am! Ha!) I'll admit, it was pretty convenient to be two floors away from where I needed to be, so I wasn't too worried that I wouldn't make it up there in time. Still no contractions however.
Cyle arrived, and we were off, receiving lots of "good lucks!" in the hallway by other co-workers on the way upstairs. In triage, everything looked good - 2 cm dilated. No contracting yet. After a little while, we were sent over to the birthing center - ending up in the very same room I delivered Cayden just 2 short years ago. Time went on, rather slowly at first...I was a pin-cushion for 3 different people, finally obtaining IV access on the 4th attempt! I was hooked up to the fetal monitors at this point, and was having contractions, but they were still irregular and not painful at all for me. So we waited.....12:40pm....My wonderful nurse, Linda, came in and told me that Dr. Starck wanted her to start Pitocin to move things along a little faster. So that's what we did. By 1:15 I was having strong, regular contractions. My mom arrived at the hospital, bringing a great big picture of my little man's face, that we taped to the bathroom door across from me and used for a focal point. Adorable. I moved from the bed, to the rocker, and they just kept coming. Stronger and more frequent as the minutes passed. At 2:45, I made the decision that I wanted something for pain...and we headed back to the bed to try to get more comfortable. At this time I was 5 cm! It's almost time!!
I got the lovely Epidural at 3:15 pm, and this time it worked like a charm. I was pain-free, but still able to identify when I was contracting. I tried my best to get some rest at this time - Mya's heart rate was decreasing after my contractions, so Linda placed an oxygen mask on my face, and let me know that her cord was being compressed and that she would continue to watch that closely. I stayed calm...I had the same thing with Cayden, and I kept trying to remind myself that everything worked out just fine, and that it would be just fine this time too. I was in good hands. Around 3:40 Linda checked me again and we were at 8cm. My Dr. was on the phone at the nurses station asking at that point how dilated I was...Linda told her, and Dr. Starck said that she was on her way. We waited. I quickly began to feel a LOT of pressure and told my nurse right away. She checked me then....and right there was little Mya's head! Things started moving very fast then: Mom and Cyle were telling me to stay calm and breathe; Linda told Cyle to hit the call button right away; She told the nurse on the other end to get the house doctor here right away; She told me to "blow out the candle!" and NOT TO PUSH!; No Dr. Starck; No house doctor; NO Freakin' candle to blow out!; She told Cyle to hit the call button again; Both doctors are still "on their way"; Still trying to blow out a non-existent candle!; Holding Cyle's hand; Linda says, "We NEED a doctor now!"; I said, "I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!"; RIGHT NOW!!; I said "I'm not pushing, but this isn't working...she's coming out right now and I CAN'T stop her...SOMEBODY get down there!!
My mom told Linda that she could do it...that she had to do it. Still no doctor. Another nurse came in to help...but still no doctor. Mya slipped out on her own free will, with no help from me. The cord was wrapped around her neck. Linda successfully got the cord over Mya's head, and finished delivering her. My baby girl was perfect. She's been trouble for the last few months of pregnancy...why would I think her delivery would be any different?! :-)
Mya Brynn Wilkinson
was placed on my chest
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010

Daddy meets his new baby girl...Love at first sight.
The weigh in: an even SIX pounds!
What a beauty.
Bonding Time. So happy to have her in our arms.
Mama...couldn't be happier (and feeling great!)
Check back for more of the's not over yet!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It's Official...'s true.
If you haven't heard it yet, My Little Mya has arrived!

She is perfect and petite.
She is loved by so many already.
She made her way into this world with absolutely no help from me when the time came...I tried my best to wait for the doctor before letting her slip right out...but she had other plans. (Sounds like a great story, huh?!) You'll see the whole story here shortly, with photos. But for now I'm settling into my house, with an extra little bundle, and lots of love to give to Mya's big brother too. So once I'm a little more settled in here, I will tell you everything. And it's all good! :-)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Miss Mya...36 weeks and growing!

It's Almost Time!!

I am nearly at the 37 week mark! I now see my doctor weekly, and at my 35 week appointment, she told me that my belly was measuring small and that she wanted to get one more ultrasound before I'm due - just to make sure Mya is still growing well. So one week later, 36 weeks, we had an ultrasound and another appointment. Cyle couldn't get out of work, so Meme and cayden came along to the ultrasound with me. Cayden was too funny! Every time the image on the screen changed: her feet, her belly, her spine...Cayden would gasp then say "Mama...T. REX!!" So yes. My two year old son thinks I'm baking a large, toothy dinosaur. AWESOME! Won't he be bummed when in a matter of 22 days (or less!!) Mama in fact brings home a sweet baby girl. A Real Girl. :-)
So we found out that her approximate weight at this stage is 5 pounds, 11 ounces. The doctor tells me that this is absolutely fine. She basically guaranteed me that I wouldn't be having an 8 pound baby, but in no way was she considered "too small." She'll just be a little peanut, and I'm just fine with that! Here are the last few pictures before we actually get to meet real life!
Of course she stayed true to herself, and was the same little nutball she's been the entire pregnancy - hiccuped through the whole ultrasound and kept her hand up by her face. But she moved just long enough to catch a glimpse of this face!

Even Mya is's almost time! :-)