Okay, that's enough of Mya...it's my turn to show you what I've been up to! Mommy and Aunt BeBe went somewhere one day, and I stayed and played with Uncle Donny, Rah-Rah and Mo! Next thing I knew, Mama came home with this Dino suit for me to play in! It has spikes and a tail and everything!! I am going to be a T-Rex for Halloween, but this isn't my real costume...you'll have to wait to see that one, but it's sooo cool! This one I like to play in every day!
And this is the best part....I've been working really hard since you left, and I can do something really special now! I even sent this to Papa to show him how smart I'm getting! Check this out!!
And there's one more thing I can do now, that you'll have to see when you get home (Mommy can't videotape me doing it and make sure I'm safe at the same time!) I'll give you a hint....What do you get when you put a big boy on a big red tricycle on the driveway?!?! Yep! Me riding ALL BY MYSELF!!! Wait til you see!
Well that's it for now! We read your blog all the time and we miss you! Keep having fun and we'll see you soon!! Love you!!
Your favorite grandboy :-)
You are my favorite Grandboy alright!! Cayden you are too smart!!! I can spell my name too~~ it looks like this MEME and MEME loves you up to God!!! I can't wait to see you on Tuesday! I will come over and see you!!! I love you! Keep reading my blog! Love MEME!
Oh my goodness Bridg! Cayden spelling his name is the CUTEST thing I've seen all week!! What a big boy!! :0)
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