Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sept. 17th -Mya's One Month!

I realize I'm a few days early with this post, but we were at Meme's today so we took our One Month pictures! I can't believe 4 weeks have passed so quickly! My little peanut is doing pretty well, and we're all adjusting to our new lives these days.

Mya Brynn
One Month
6 pounds, 15 ounces
19.75 inches

She is so different than Cayden was at this point! I think he was eating about 4 ounces every feeding...couldn't ever seem to get enough to eat! My little Mya on the other hand isn't quite so eager to eat. She has just finally hit the 2 oz feedings consistently, and on a good day might even take 3! She's so petite. She's only gained 15 ounces from her birth weight, and our goal is to be gaining about an ounce a day...so we're working on getting her a little bigger! But overall she's doing really well. It amazes us to see how much more toned her muscles are than Cayden's were at this point too. With him, we thought his little floppy limbs were normal, but knowing now that that's part of the OI diagnosis, we've really noticed that Mya is a lot more stiff and less flexible...and that is actually normal. She's so fun, sweet to cuddle with, and is really a good baby. She is waking once during the night to eat, then falls right back asleep. And we couldn't be happier!
Mya works really hard to hold her little head up! She LOVES to be on her tummy, and is already propelling herself forward with her feet like a little frog! She makes my heart smile!


Roxi's Reasons... said...

A month already ? Can't wait til I can officially meet her !! So adorable !

The Colorado Lesjak's said...

We can not believe she's already a month old....that's so nuts! We can't wait to meet her either : )