Monday, February 9, 2009


Today has been an emotional day! I'm not too sure why, and I'm not complaining about it cause it's been emotional in the best way possible, but emotional none-the-less. Cyle left for work this morning...just another week day morning... around 6:30am. I listened for a minute to make sure the baby was still asleep before heading back to sleep myself. I was awakened then at 8:30 am to my son giggling hysterically all by himself in his crib. I lay in my bed, just smiling at the sound, thinking to myself, "What could possibly be going on in that little mind of his that makes him so happy just as he's waking for the day?!" This new laugh of his makes me smile every single time I hear it. It is so innocent and so genuine...and I know that something at that very minute is making this boy so happy. And in turn, as his mommy, that makes ME so happy.
So I went quietly into his room and peeked into his crib. Just as he does EVERY morning, he looks up at me and gives me a 'good morning, mommy' grin. And again I smile.
The morning continues with our normal little routine...bottle, nap then lots of playtime! I spread a blanket out on the family room floor, layed with him, and just watched, (smiling yet again) as he rolled himself all over the room, going for one toy after another. It was during this time that I thought to myself how things have changed in such a short period of time. At this time a year ago I was enjoying being pregnant, and never could have imagined the feelings that I would be having as I watch my son playing around and laughing at almost 7 months old. He amazes me every day, and I couldn't imagine my life without this little life. As he continued to play, I decided to transfer all of my pictures from the camera and my phone onto my computer. And that's when the waterworks started!! Looking through the most recent pictures of my once so tiny baby, then looking back at all of those very first hospital pictures, and then to those of him in casts and after surgery made me really reflect on all that the three of us had been through. From all of the scares during pregnancy, the fears of my labor, and his surgery at one month, to a happy, healthy, giggly little boy I see in front of me now. I have no words. I'm so thankful,so lucky, and I just feel like no matter how many times I kiss that boy throughout the day, it can never be enough! My boys are my everything. And I'm a lucky girl. I'll never forget that or take it for granted.

1 comment:

Mua said...

I love this blog! I do the same thing! I still can't believe Max is one now! And Cayden is growing so fast! He isn't so tiny as he was back in July =-)