Monday, July 13, 2009

Playtime Pictures!

One of Cayden's favorite toys to play with is this Dino, which has holes that light up and play music when he places the balls into them. There are four holes to choose from, each with it's own route for the ball to end up. Cayden LOVES to watch the balls travel through the Dino after he puts them into each hole. His coordination just amazes me! He's so smart, and picks things up so quickly!
Okay Mama and Daddy, I'm ready! You watching?!
Hmmm...which hole should I choose?!
I think I'll go with this one!
"ROAR!!" I did it!! (Literally "roar-ing!") Ha!
Next Cayden moves to his toy/diaper chest. We're learning to identify the animals on the front and sides of the box. We have learned the Monkey (of course) and the Elephant so far. If I ask him where each animal is, he's able to point to it! He makes me so proud! And he gets such a kick out of it too - who knew learning could be so much fun?!
After all of that playing, the Booty needs a bath!
Check out this 'do' Mama! :-)
Tired, Sleepy Eyes!
Goodnight Everyone!


Diana Lesjak said...

So clever, my little grandson! :~)

mamarox78 said...

Love these pictures! What a joy your beautiful son is! Thanks for sharing !!