Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hunting, Holidays and Family Fun!

This year, it took a little while for summer to fade into fall. So my boys took full advantage of the good weather! They practiced their bow skills until the sun faded away into night!
Cayden is a quick little learner...he does pretty darn well! (With some help of course) I'm sure he'll be the great hunter his daddy hopes he'll be one day!
So proud of his accomplishments! Using the same wooden bow Daddy used when he was little :-)
During squirrel season, Cyle took Cayden down to sit by the river that runs along our property. Cayden learned how to call for squirrels, and sat surprisingly quietly with dad while they waited to see one. Cyle tells me Cayden sat in the dirt, digging holes with his hands while making squirrel noises...for about 45 minutes! He was quick to spot a squirrel up in the tree, and helped Dad aim and shoot! This is how he came home to me!

"Look Mama!! We shoot-ed a 'Fwerrrrll!"
And when Daddy got a doe this year, Cayden was right by his side when he got home to check it out and take some pictures! He was SOOO proud of his Dad! He asked night after night if he could go out hunting with Cyle...maybe next year, Buddy...still not sure if he'd be quiet enough to lure in the big ones!
Halloween rolled around, and PamPaw bought Cayden and Mya some pumpkins to carve. So we sat around the table and worked really hard on making some great pumpkins this year...
We put our spooky pumpkins out on the front porch then took advantage of the good weather and played together! Mya just adores her big brother!
Then it was time to head out! This year we went Trick-or-Treating with a whole bunch of good friends in Van Wert. We had 11 kids total...thankfully enough moms and dads to keep track of all the little ghouls!
Around Thanksgiving time, Aunt Joy came to town with her littlest bundle, Annaston, and Cayden's buddy Mason. We all went to GG's house and celebrated together!
Grandma took the big boys to see Mr. Roy, who was farming that day...They sit in this big green combine and get to help do some farming!! Such lucky boys! Cayden absolutely LOVED it!
Cayden was so adorable with Baby Anna...he kept checking on her and whispering sweetness to her.
Cayden has really turned into a big boy this Fall. He says some of the funniest things sometimes, and I really wish I had a constant video recorder running in my house to capture it all...I just hope my memory can hold it all over the years.
This little Turkey is growing before our eyes too!
She is so sassy and silly!
It has been such a fun fall! Exploring and discovering so many new things in our new home - making friends and making memories. Couldn't ask for anything more! Of course we miss all of our family that's far away...Love you!

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