Thursday, May 8, 2008

Yesterday - What a day!

So, honestly, things have been really good thus far, and I've been nothing but happy about this whole pregnancy thing since the day we found out. BUT...I guess the whole "hormones" issue had to come into play at some point, and I'm pretty sure yesterday was the day. Now, don't get me happiness and excitement hasn't wavered a bit! However, over the past few days I suddenly feel like a blimp! So needless to say, I broke down last night because I simply don't feel like myself anymore. I'm at my all-time high as far as weight goes (and I understand there's a perfectly good and healthy reason for that), and I'm continually increasing in size...and well, it seems to have hit me all at once. I absolutely LOVE my belly, and everything that's going on inside of it, it's just a bit change for me. If you know me at all (and I think you all do) I've always been a little concerned about my outward appearance, and unfortunately you can't just shut that off and dismiss it, at least I've never been able to. So I cried, then I got over it, and it was just a little hormonal disaster for about 10 minutes...but thank God I have a wonderful, supportive husband that knows just what to say and how to say it to make everything better in an instant. :-) He's been amazing, and I know it will only get better when we meet this little man! So anyway, I'm getting bigger (imagine that...I'm baking a baby for gosh sake!) and that's that :-) I'll prove it with some pictures when I get around to it!
And on another note...if my brief breakdown wasn't enough last night, I was kept awake by a new onset of Braxton Hicks contractions! WHAT?! I still have 2 months of cooking to do - we don't need to start practicing quite yet! Hopefully this doesn't turn into a routine thing...I'll keep you updated :-)

1 comment:

Diana Lesjak said... are so beautiful!! Especially with Townsend Cayden on board!!