Thursday, August 7, 2008

Look at the progress we've made!!

Sorry we didn't update last week as promised, but we weren't able to get good pictures of the casting process, and we had a very busy week filled with visitors! Time just got away from us!

Anyway, look at these pictures of the progress little Cayden has made turning his little feet out! We had our weekly casting appointment on Wednesday, and we got a lot of news from the doctor...
First and foremost, Cayden's feet have successfully turned enough that they are fully corrected already when it comes to side-to-side movement! In other words, the doctor is able to rotate his feet outward to the point of being normal, and fully functional. This is fantastic news because we were looking at 8-10 weeks before this was predicted to take place...and it's only been 2!! He's amazing! However...his little toes are still slightly pointed downward, meaning that his Achilles tendon is still too tight, so surgery is needed. Initially we had learned that this would be an easy procedure, done in the office under local anesthetic. In speaking with Dr. Ballock on Wednesday though, he thinks that the results we would get if we did that would not be the best. So...we've scheduled surgery...a REAL surgery...for August 19th. We're very nervous that our little man will be put under for a real surgery on the day he turns only one month, but Dr. Ballock and his wonderful nurse assure us that this is something that they do more often than we think, and that their team is amazing and they put their full trust in the anesthesiologists. Still...this will be a rough day for mama, I can guarantee it! :-( Gotta stay positive and focus on all of the improvement we've made so quickly though...that will get us through it! And Cayden's smiling face through it all makes it all worth it! Here are some pictures of the process and the great improvement!!

Dr. Ballock cutting off last weeks casts

Look how skinny those legs are! But they're looking straight!
Dr. Ballock showing us how well they are turning out!

Baby Cayden just hanging out through it all :-)

New Casts!

Enjoying some tummy time after the appointment :-)

So strong!!

Bonding :-)


Diana Lesjak said...

Your Townsend Cayden is just so precious!! Meme loves him to bits!

Anonymous said...

Cyle & Bri: little Cayden is just precious. We're glad to hear he's doing well with his treatments. We'll be thinking about him on the 19th. He sounds like a trooper.

Grampa Grumpy said...

Great to see him making progress. We will be praying for all on surgery day.
Hugs & Kisses to all
Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Dave