Thursday, August 21, 2008


Sorry, it's been a while since we've updated, and a lot has happened since then! Cayden hit a milestone on Aug. 12th...he began using the weight of those big casts to flip himself completely over! At 3 weeks, that's pretty darn good! He's still lifting that head and is able to move around pretty well already...daddy and I will be in big trouble when he really starts moving - he's a maniac! But we're so proud!
On another note, Cayden successfully made it through his very first real surgery (and hopefully the last!) Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am on Tuesday, August 19th. Since the surgery was scheduled, I've been worried (I think any mama would be knowing that her baby would be having surgery at one month of age). I have complete confidence in our doctor, and wasn't worried at all about the job that he would do that morning, however knowing that Cayden would have to be put completely under with anesthesia is what made me worry. Hearing that my little one would be tubed and unconscious was not easy to handle, but I knew it was for the best and that he was in great hands.
So surgery day started early...really early. Cayden couldn't eat after 1:30 am, which made for a long morning! But he was a trooper - didn't really complain about it until about 6:00 when we made it to the hospital. We made it to the Cleveland Clinic, downtown, at 6am to check in. Dr. Ballock arrived around 7:30 to speak with us, then we met the anesthesiologists who were able to calm my nerves if only a little. I was holding up rather well (if I must say so myself!)...until they came to take him to surgery. NOT EASY! There were tears, but we kissed our little man and knew that we would see him in about an hour. He was calm and that gave me a sense of peace with it all. I knew things would be okay. So off he went. We waited...then received a call to go to the desk to meet with Dr. Ballock. He told us that everything went just as planned, and Cayden was doing great! BIG sigh of relief for Cyle and I. :-) Shortly after, we had our little man in our arms! Unfortunately, because of his age, Cayden and I had to stay the night for observation. No complications though, and we left the next morning at 8am! We're so glad it's over, and I know this experience will be a positive one in the long run when he's up and running around like every other kid on his new feet! :-)
Thanks to everyone for their positive thoughts and prayers for us - we really appreciate you all!!

Daddy, Cayden and Dozer the day before surgery

In the hospital, getting ready to go home!

I did it!! Thanks for your prayers everyone!!

These are the new casts. The heel cord release done in surgery allows the toes to flex up toward the shin, which they were unable to do before. So he will be in these casts for two weeks, then time for braces!! Hopefully that will be the end of these heavy casts!


Diana Lesjak said...

So proud of you and Cyle...not an easy thing to go through!! Townsend Cayden is brillant! I just love him to bits!! Love, meme

Anonymous said...

Cyle and Bridget,

I'm glad everything has went well with your little man. Megan and I have been thinking of you. Looking forward to seeing you sometime. We'll be at the fair Monday on turn three at the trailer watching the horse races if you make it back.

Kevin, Megan, Landon, Ashlyn & Holden Price

Mua said...

Good job Cayden!! You both are so blessed with such a strong little man. Love and kisses for baby Cayden from us in Tacoma!

Katypie said...

I'm so happy to hear things are going positively Bridgie! I think about your little guy everyday and can't wait to meet him and eventually see him chasing after Sarah and Molly! Miss you all!

Diana Lesjak said...

Hey ... add me to your!