Thursday, September 18, 2008

"BUN-Jama Party!!"

Last weekend, Cayden enjoyed his very first "Bun-Jama" party with his cousins! Aunt Beckie, Sarah and Molly watched Cayden on Saturday while daddy went to help Grandpa at the lake, and mommy went to Jackie's bachelorette party in Cincinnati. It was only my second night away from him, but I had absolutely NO concerns because I knew he was in great hands! Aunt Beckie has successfully handled the infancy stage twice and look how great hers turned out! So thanks Bek, I know he had a blast! (and I had a fun night out too!!) Cayden is so lucky to have so many people in his life that already adore him so much. His proud parents, such great aunts and uncles, a grandma, a grandpa, a MeMe, a PaPa, two little cousins who are so involved with him and treat him so well, and even a few YaYa's that love him dearly. I can't wait until he's able to fully realize all the love that surrounds him!

Random Thoughts:
-It absolutely amazes me everyday to think that my world could change so much in the one second that my son was born. I no longer live my life for myself, but I wake up and live everyday for him - and it's all worth it when he smiles up at me.
-I never knew I could be surrounded by so much love. I met the absolute love of my life a few years ago, and I never imagined I would then meet another man who has changed my life as much as the first had. Cyle is my "Big Love" and Cayden is my "Little Love." Both have given me more than I ever thought possible, and I'm thankful everyday for the gift of a wonderful husband and the blessing of my perfect baby.
-My baby boy is perfection...In my eyes, every bit of him his perfect- from his full head of hair all the way down to his perfect little toes. I find myself just staring at him every day. He probably thinks "Mommy, please stop staring at me, you're freaking me out!" My response to that....NEVER. :-) It would be impossible.

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