Thursday, September 25, 2008

Keep on truckin'!

Okay, so first I want to say sorry. I just can't keep up with MeMe! She gets all the latest and greatest pictures of my boy up on her site before I get around to doing it! She may beat me to it, but I get to see all of the precious moments living color everyday...BEFORE they even become pictures! And this is my I think I've still got one up on her! :-) Its nice to see everything she writes though - I know it's just too hard to not love and to talk about all of her grandkids all the time!! :-)

So anyway.... how 'bout an update?!
Last week we had Cayden's 2 month well-visit! It's crazy its already been 2 months! Here are all of his stats:
Weight: 11#6oz (a 2# gain since last month, thank you very much!)
Length: 23in.
He's in the perfect 50% for both height and weight, so he's doing well!! So we'll keep on truckin'!
And it was great because this was the first pediatrician visit with NO CASTS!! So the measurements were all accurate. That feels great!
Unfortunately, he did have to have his first shots... sad. But he handled them SO well! Just a few tears, then he was fine! He's my little trooper for sure! A little fussy the next day, but no major problems with the immunizations thank God!!

After the pediatrician visit, we went straight to Dr. Ballock's office to follow up after being in the "special shoes" for 2 weeks! We got there, and off came the brace....Dr. Ballock was once again amazed at the progress he's made! He told Cayden that he had some great lookin' feet! And we couldn't agree more! The plan: 2 months more of the brace 23 hours a day, then we get to go to night time ONLY! He said that nap time wouldn't even be necessary if the progress continues like it has! So So exciting!

Moving on to this week...
On Monday, we started to try to get the little man on some sort of a schedule, with naps and everything! Before, I'll admit, he and I spent most of our time playing and cuddling on the couch all day. The unfortunate thing was that he was only getting short, random periods of sleep during the day, then when daddy got home in the evening, Cayden was fussy, over-tired, and frustrating at times! Things needed to change, so we decided maybe a schedule would work! And it has!! This week has worked out really well, he's napping like a champion (not in my arms!) and therefore is much calmer and more playful in the evening hours for daddy! He's sleeping pretty well through the night, and the days go pretty well too! No complaints, he's such a treat! :-) Impossible not to love...Playtime filled with lots of "coo-ing" and smiles!Posing in his first "real" outfit!Talking up a storm and holding the head up like a champ!A little "daddy time" :-)

1 comment:

Katypie said...

He's adorable Bridgie!! Keep it up Cayden!!