Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Tale of Two Cities

I thought I'd share with you a few pictures, from two different cities. Some, from our home now, and a few from our last trip to Van Wert, our future home. We plan on making the big move within the next few years...until then we'll visit often and make plans for home renovations! It's exciting to me to know that Cayden (and the next baby that comes along) will grow up in the same house as their daddy did. Cyle really looks forward to teaching his kids the lifestyle that he grew to know and love...and I look forward to witnessing all of that!
All of these shots were taken with my cell phone, so sorry if they're not the best quality!
These first few are just of Cayden on a typical day in Lagrange, OH!
We play, play, play all day! Cayden is working so hard on trying to stand on his own! We practice everyday!
(Here's a shot I caught in the action - ignore his moving hand that looks a little alien-like!)
On our last visit to Van Wert in April, we visited lots with Tom and Chris (Our great friends back home that Cyle grew up with). Grandpa Curt was at the lake house for the weekend, so unfortunately no pictures with him :-(
Cayden was playing GI-Joe! He had this nice helmet on and was Army-crawling all over the place! Then he decided to do some intense work on the tv remote! This kid LOVES remotes!!
These next few were taken in "The Shed." A place where we've spent a great deal of time, and where Cayden will likely spend many of his days as well!
Cayden and Daddy...loved this silhouette! Cayden got to visit with "Uncle" Josh too!
Don't mind the beer in everyone's hands! I promise my son was safe and in good hands the ENTIRE time! :-) Eventually Cayden got all worn out and passed out in his stroller! Too much fun for one little baby boy to handle!


Diana Lesjak said...

A tale of two cities...isn't that a tragedy for some?? :-(
Oh but it is only 21/2 hours away right? Will there be a room there for Meme???

Bridget and Cyle said...

Of course! There will be plenty of room! Just think of how often we travel there...that will be just as often as we'll come back here! :-)