Friday, September 18, 2009

I L-O-V-E My Booty!

Yes...I love my Booty.
Not my physical, anatomical Booty....But this one!
Tonight he wanted to help me with the laundry!

He really wasn't being much help (made quite a mess!) But he was trying so hard and looked so darn cute!Then after all of his hard work, it was time to get ready for bed...which includes brushing his "chompers!"

(no. he usually doesn't use an adult size toothbrush, but he got his paws on it and was having so much fun being a Big Boy!)

Sorry the pictures are kinda blurry - taken with the cell phone camera. Still so enjoyable to me!


Diana Lesjak said...

I love that first picture... he looks really grown up!! He is so darn cute!

mamarox78 said...

Wow - not only is he absolutely adorable, he does laundry !!! He no doubt, will be a big help to you - he's just such a love !!!

Amy said...

My son does the exact same thing with our laundry. Only you are a good Mom and think it's cute. I lock him in the playroom until I'm done. HAHAHAHA!