Friday, September 4, 2009

Up, Up and Away (soon enough, I'm sure!)

In the last month or so, Cayden has been pulling himself up on EVERYTHING! He stands up to one chair, and cruises around the room going from one piece of furniture to the next. For awhile, he wasn't quite sure how to fall effectively, without hurting himself. So there were times when he was ready to be done standing, but would just stand there whimpering, and would need some assistance to sit down.
But he's learned.
Now when he gets nervous, we just have to say "Sit down on your BUTT!," and he sticks his little booty out behind him, lets go and flops down onto his diaper-padded rump!
I'm really proud of how well he's picking things up! He's up on everything and soon will be walking...I think! We shall see!! First, up on the ottoman, then climbed to the chair and got SUCH a kick out of himself!Here he is...being a TOTAL NUT! He has recently learned how to do this "rocking horse" type of move. He arches his back and rocks back and forth (rather violently!) and just cracks himself up!
Next, he decided to combine the climbing with the rocking...dangerous situation! I was standing by...
Never made him nervous! He loved every minute of it!
On a not-so-happy note...Cayden woke up this morning with a terrible cold. He's dripping from every hole in his face and is just so sad looking! Normally, when this boy sneezes, he laughs afterward - thinks it's the funniest thing! Today, he's sneezed so many times that he's given up on laughing afterward...It's not so funny anymore :-(
At one point, we were playing on the floor together. Cayden crawled to me (ON HIS KNEES! that's new too!!) and just laid his head on my lap. What a poor little sick baby! :-(


Diana Lesjak said...

Oh my poor little Cayden... he looks so miserable in the picture on your shoulder. Hope he feels better soon!

Diana Lesjak said...

oh never mind...its your leg his on... he looks so precious still!

Katypie said...

Feel better Cayden!! :0)