Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tears and Worries

Sorry it's been awhile. With Cyle down and out after shoulder surgery, a sick and cranky baby, and Meme out of town for the week, trying to work and take care of the babies and manage to blog has been quite a challenge. We had a rough week, Cayden had high fevers for days on end...but the last two days have been MUCH better! Things were finally looking good! Cyle got the good news that his healing was progressing much better than they thought it would, and therapy was changed to once a week instead of three times weekly. And he'll probably be able to go back to light duty at work after his post-op follow up with the surgeon on the 22nd! That's great news! (I always knew he was strong and resilient!!) So things have been looking bright, and really thought nothing of Cayden's 15 month check-up with his pediatrician today.
But tonight I sit here with a heavy heart and tears hanging from my lashes.
After a great check-up, including shots and measurements, my baby boy was happy and drinking some juice while The Mama talked with the doctor. I had a few questions for her (yes, I am a pediatric nurse, but sometimes knowledge goes out the window when dealing with your own children) regarding some constipation problems, and the way his little teeth were growing in. Constipation issue was resolved rather easily and quickly. His teeth, however, opened up a door of fear and a rapid heart beat for Mama. Since the day Cayden was born, we've kept a close eye on the color of his eyes. They have always had a grayish tint to them. I have brought the issue up to both the pediatrician as well as our orthopedic doctor in the past, because we knew that this could be a sign of what is known as "Brittle Bone Disease." In the past, I have been told that the doctors were "not concerned with that right now" and "we'll just keep an eye on it." Which brings me to his teeth. Since Cayden's first two bottom teeth have come in, I've noticed that they also are not as pearly white as I'd like them to be. Just as his eyes do, his teeth seem to have a dusky tint to them, and they seem to be coming in really slowly. So when the pediatrician and I discussed this today, she quickly suggested that I follow up with a Pediatric Geneticist, as well as a Pediatric Dentist. The dentist I'm not so concerned about. It's the genetic testing that needs to be done that frightens me most. Genetics will prove whether or not he has this Brittle Bone Disease, some other disorder, or perhaps nothing. And then maybe the dentist will tell me that he simply has enamel problems or something of the less drastic sort.
So of course, I get home, Cyle and I talk a bit about it, and immediately start the research. It turns out that this Brittle Bone disorder, which didn't seem like a problem before, may in fact be the culprit. According to multiple medical sites on-line (I know, I know. You can't always trust the world-wide-web. But I'm freaking out here!) Cayden has four of the seven most common symptoms of the disorder.
So my mind in churning, my insides are aching.
This boy has been through far too much already. I just really want peace and health for him. I don't want him to have to endure any more pain, problems or disorders. Is that too much for a mom to ask for?!
So I'm calling to schedule an appointment in the morning. Until then, my mind and heart will race. I'm trying to tell myself to not worry yet, we know nothing at this point. But that's impossible.
We'll keep you updated. I pray for peace and strength for my big baby boy.


Katypie said...

Thoughts and prayers for your little guy Bridgie! :0)

Joe & Stacy Elling said...

Cyle and Bri! I'm so sorry to hear about Cayden. Thank goodness Cayden is strong like his mommy and daddy. Have faith! I pray for your family's comfort!

Diana Lesjak said...

I was sorry to be away when you were confronted with all this Scootie... but remember, no matter what, we sure have a beautiful, smart, and CLEVER baby boy. You and Cyle will be able to handle what ever hurdles Cayden has to face with grace and loving comfort for your little boy. So he will have peace and health. I love you guys... stay positive! You are LUCKY to have him!!!

mamarox78 said...

No doubt, your beautiful boy Cayden is strong and resilient like his daddy (and his mommy too) ! I'm thinking about you all and send my love !!!

Jerry, Chantal & The Girl Gang said...

Have you found out anymore on your little man? We've been praying for you all!