Thursday, June 19, 2008

What a Relief!!

Okay, I'll start by saying that I had a doctor's appointment Monday...I was 34 weeks and 2 days pregnant...and once again the doctor told me that I was measuring "small." I'm starting to despise those words!! So, he thought it would be best for me to have a repeat ultrasound as soon as possible to make sure that my little peanut was continuing to grow since the last ultrasound done at 30 weeks. So we scheduled it for today...Thursday...34 weeks and 5 days. Since Monday, I've been doing some research about the average weight for a "normal" baby at approximately this point in pregnancy, and I found the same golden number over and over. "They" say that the average baby at this stage should be just over 5 lbs. So, looking back at the 30 week ultrasound, he weighed approximately 2 lbs, 14 oz. And now the doctor is telling me that he's still measuring small...I can't help but think to myself that there is no way that he could have gained 2.5 lbs in 5 weeks to meet the "standard" 5 lb mark at week 35, especially when I have only gained a mere 1 lb since then. Once again, I get myself all worked up, thinking that even my hardest efforts in eating aren't good enough, and that I'm "failing" at giving my baby enough nutrition to grow (I was a disaster once again!). So I continued to eat, and continued not to gain weight over the last 3 days. :-( Needless to say, Daddy and I determined that if we found out via ultrasound today that Cayden weighed even 4 lbs we would be ecstatic!
And the verdict is.....
(drumroll please!!)....
Five pounds, three ounces!!!
(sorry, too exciting to use just numbers!)
I know this is just an estimated weight...but I'll take it!! This even meets "average" standards!! WHAT A RELIEF!! He's already out-doing my expectations, can't wait to see all that he'll overcome on the "outside" world!!
So the moral of the story... I'm DONE hearing potentially negative things and getting myself all worked up over them, then finding out he's fine! It's not good for me, and I know it's not good for him (and I'm sure Cyle isn't very fond of it either!). So I've taken a deep breath, and I'm just going to let it ride until he makes his grand appearance. :-)
:::big sigh::: :-)

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