Today was not such a good day...After spending the weekend with my boy (daddy was back home in Van Wert), we were anxiously arriving daddy's return this afternoon. He got home around 3:15 today, and Cayden was absolutely overjoyed to see him! I love the smile that explodes on both of their faces when they see each other. It warms my heart every time. After many hugs and kisses from daddy, Cayden was placed on the family room floor with all of his toys to play as he does every day. Well today was different.
Daddy and I were talking, and watching Cayden roll around and play, when all of the sudden he rolled near the chair (once again, as he sometimes big deal). Just as we both saw his right foot get caught in the chair, we jumped up to scoop him up...we were too slow. As we got up, Cayden rolled once more - his body moved in the direction of the roll, but his right leg stayed where it was, tucked in the chair. All I heard was "POP," and it rang in my ears. I dropped to the floor, Cayden was screaming. I knew right then something was not right. I was in tears and told Cyle that he had to look at his leg because I just couldn't bring myself to look. I knew in my head that it wouldn't be good. I've never heard the baby cry like this - and every cry KILLED us. So Cyle picked him up and tried to calm him and to look at his leg. Nothing looked wrong from the outside. Still screaming, we decided to lay him down to get a better look, and that's when we noticed that he wasn't moving his right leg at all. Right away we loaded him up to head to the E.R.
It was the fastest drive to the hospital that we've ever made - I sat in the back with the baby, and the poor thing screamed the whole way, just staring at me like "mama, what's going on, and why does it hurt so bad?" I cried right along with him.
I pulled myself together only to walk into the E.R. (the place that I work, with all of the wonderful people that I KNEW would treat my baby so well), only to break down before even getting into a room! In the next hour, Cayden had gotten some pain medicine, and an x-ray and continued to cry. The doctor came in to give us the results, and I knew before he even opened his mouth to say the words. CAYDEN BROKE HIS LEG. :-( We saw the x-rays that showed a spiral fracture through the Tibia (the larger bone in the shin). So Valerie, a tech in the E.R. (and one of Cayden's "girlfriends") put a splint on his leg. We are to follow up with Dr. Ballock bright and early tomorrow so he can be casted. I thought we saw enough of him on all of our appointments for his poor feet...and there's more?!
This just breaks my heart. We keep saying to ourselves 'if only we were a second faster,' 'if only I had taken him to the store like I was planning on doing,' "IF ONLY, IF ONLY, IF ONLY!!"
But, accidents happen, and there's nothing that we could have done. He could roll to that spot a million times again and never have the same thing happen. It was an accident. But still breaks our hearts...
So I'll update again after visiting the good Dr. Ballock. We just hope and pray that this casting doesn't impede the progress we've made with his feet. He has done so well with that and I would hate to have this be a set-back to all of that progress. Please say a quick prayer that he heals fast, and with little pain. I don't know if Mama and Daddy can handle seeing him in any more pain! It's too sad, and he's too innocent...
In the Peds E.R. - after the splinting. Notice the red cheeks from
all of the crying. :-(
for pain medication. A loving touch (and a bottle) from Meme put him right to sleep.
His foot became stuck in the groove where the reclining footrest meets the base of the chair.
I feel like putting this thing out by the curb! :-(
I was crying just reading this and feeling your pain and baby Cayden!! I cry when Max is sick and crying for me to make it better!!...We're praying for you guys and for Cayden to find comfort with his leg. GET WELL SOON CAYDEN!!
Poor little Cayden!!! Poor mommy & daddy!!! I know exactly what that cry is all about. Your stomach is turned inside out and upside want just want to die! When Emma was just about 6months old she fell face first off the table in her bouncy seat...I know the pain and anguish you feel as the parent. But like you said accidents happen, but it sure would be nice if they didn't! :(
Take care of the little man! Please give him a hug and kiss from all his girly Spoor cousins! (And Aunt/Uncle too!)
Poor little guy! Get well soon Cayden!! :0)
Poor Cayden! I'm so sorry. hang in there and we'll pray that he gets better quickly.
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