Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Did you know?

So I know these last few posts have been filled with words, not many pictures, but it's all important stuff that I need to get out! I promise I'll post lots of GREAT pictures in the next few days (it's currently 3:30am, and I'm at work, without access to my photos...But I just can't stop thinking about my baby tonight so I thought I'd put a few of my thoughts here...)
Did you know?... My son has such a FUN personality!! Like everyone, he's got his moments...the ones in which tantrums are thrown and cries are heard loud and clear. But the majority of his day is filled with laughter and playing and such a curiosity about everything that goes on around him.
Did you know?... Cayden loves, loves, loves to dance with The Mama! His all-time favorite is Mickey's "Hot Dog Dance," but really anything will do. I hoist him up on my left hip, and we start to dance...I hold his arm out in true 'ballroom' fashion. If for some reason I let go of his hand, he quickly reaches for my finger to hold onto again...Then he laughs...from deep in his belly. And my heart smiles.
Did you know?... My big guy can give the correct responses when asked what sounds the following animals make...every time!: Monkey, Elephant, Doggie, Cow, Duck, Lion, Bear, Birdie, and even Snake! That's talent! He sure loves his animals!
Did you know?... Cayden has a new love for Trains. His eyes light up when he sees them, whether in real life or on tv. We have to cross a set of tracks basically every time we leave our house, and without fail, as we drive over them I hear from the back..."Mama? Choo-Choo!!" And more giggles.
Did you know?... This boy has a way of brightening my day...each and every day. He's got so many little quirks that are unique to only him, and I can look at him from across the room and pick up on them in an instant. And immediately I find myself smiling, without even realizing I am. I fall in love again every passing day...and I'm a lucky girl...


Diana Lesjak said...

You are a lucky Mama!!

Katypie said...

That deep belly laugh is the best!

Roxi's Reasons... said...

You are in for a lifetime of "loving more every day"! And it's the best !!! I'm so happy for you !!!