Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Best Christmas Gift.

I can breathe.
I mean, I can really breathe.
The kind of breath that you can feel from the top of your head to the very tips of your toes.
And I am Thankful.
Today we received the very best Christmas gift. The One Gift that I was most hopeful for. It came early, not on Christmas morning, and wasn't wrapped nicely with a bow. But it made my whole heart happier than any material possession ever could.
We heard the news today that Cayden's genetic testing was all normal. My baby is safe, and his parents can breathe. Really breathe. The genetic counselor told me that these tests rule out 95% of all possibility of an Osteogenesis Imperfecta diagnosis, and then I told the genetic counselor that she made my Christmas. And then I cried. I hung up the phone, kissed my baby boy and gave him a good squeeze and told Meme the news - Of course I would have told Cyle first if he happened to be standing there watching me cry like Meme was! But he was at work. So then I called The Daddy. Cyle was as elated as I was of course, and told me a story of how he asked for a "sign" today and actually saw something earlier in the day that was his "sign" and he new everything was going to be okay. AND IT IS. This means more to me than I could ever explain in words. This means the health of my son, the future of our family and children to come, this means...we can breathe. So that's what we'll do. I know that nothing I might receive this Christmas will even come close, but I will cherish this season, and truly love and enjoy every minute I spend with my family and friends. Everyone has been SO SO SO supportive to us through all of this, and I know that our strength and Cayden's has been helped by all of the prayers and well-wishes. I could never thank all of you enough.
I'm off to breathe...and snuggle my baby. :-)
Merry Christmas!


Diana Lesjak said...

He is precious! I love all of you! I am so happy for you, Cyle and my little Townsend Cayden!

Gina said...

I follow MeMe's blog and followed her link to this wonderful news. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a happyand VERY healthy New Year!

Katypie said...

Snuggle him from your Laser family too! So glad to hear that he's healthy!!

Joe & Stacy Elling said...

What GREAT news!! We're so happy for Cayden, you and Cyle. Since you got everything you wanted for Christmas....I hope Cayden does too!! :) Merry Christmas

Jerry, Chantal & The Girl Gang said...

Jerry told me the news last night, Cyle had called him! Please thank him for thinking of letting us know! We are all SO RELIEVED too that your sweet little man is healthy! Hope to see you tomorrow at Christmas! Enjoy the season in total PEACE!!!
Love and hugs, The Spoor gang

Roxi's Reasons... said...

SO very happy for you all ! You're absolutely the cutest little family !!! The best for the New Year !!!