Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Big Boy...and Big Belly!

So my baby is no longer a baby. It's official. Cayden has turned into a Big Boy somehow before my very eyes. Mostly, I am SO excited about seeing him grow and watching him turn into such a funny, articulate, and quite handsome young man...but there is still that part of my heart that cannot believe that he's almost 2 years old, and that misses her chunky little baby boy! And I've heard that's normal...but what do I know?! I've never been on this journey before!
The past few weeks have been wonderful. This "new" little man of mine has officially decided that he's ready to give walking another try!! This absolutely makes my soul sing! Everyday that passes I wonder if today will be the day. It's been a rough little path for him, and I just want him to be ready and want to do it on his own...and I think he's finally reached that point. I know that for Cayden it hasn't been that he can't physically walk, but more that he has probably been petrified to even try. I sit and watch him play around and think to myself how bad it has hurt me when he's broken in the past....why would HE be comfortable trying it again?! He's the one that has felt the real, physical pain of it all. But I'm convinced that he knows his body, his own strength, and has gained the confidence that he can do it...and is moving forward (on his own two feet) ever so slowly...at his own pace. But needless to say...he is vertical much more often these days...and it makes me smile (and cringe, and worry, and watch intensely). He even says to me all the time, "Mama, I walk." He is growing in so many ways...and I couldn't be more proud.

Two days before Mother's Day, we were playing outside and Cayden said to me, "I walk!" So I jumped on the opportunity (yes, don't mind my outfit- I had been sleeping after a long night at work- and gosh darn it, shoes are so unnecessary when my boy says he wants to walk!!) and I took his hand and we walked a whole 6 houses down the street and BACK! This was by far the farthest he has ever walked, and boy was he sweaty when we got back home! It took a lot of hard work and concentration for him (take a close look at that face!) but he did it. We did it. :-)

Moving on....as you can clearly see, my belly is growing just about as fast as my son is! And I'm loving it. This pregnancy has been great so far (and we're getting pretty far...6 months in!) and I'm trying to cherish every passing day. Check-ups have gone well, even though my doc says once again that I "can afford to eat more" (blah, blah, blah). I think I'm doing just fine in that area...Lately I can sit down to dinner with the Hubby and eat just as much as he does...and if you know Cyle, you'll understand that that is no small feat! Other than that, my little Miss Mya is quite the mover! She plays around my insides far more than Cayden ever did. I've said that she doesn't just kick for me to feel her every now and then, she Body Slams me. And if this little girly is on the go as much when she enters this world as she is on the inside...we're gonna have our hands full! She's a nut! My absolute favorite part of the entire pregnancy journey is the feeling of movement inside. I love the constant reminder that there is a little one of us inside, and that she's doing okay. And I'm convinced that Mya must know that that is my favorite feeling, and somehow must know that she will be the last little bundle to create that feeling for me, so she's stepped it up a notch! She's letting me experience so much of it on a daily basis...so I'll get my fill. And I love her for that! :-)
I'll get around to taking another belly picture next week to update the growth!


Stacy Elling said...

Um....careful what you wish for. If Miss Mya is anything like Miss Ella, you really are in for a treat!! Sassy, full of piss and vinegar, defiant! But you'll love her just the same as Cayden. And you and Cyle should come and help us with our cap collection one of these days......well Cyle. ;) Take Care

Diana Lesjak said...

Great post! Love my little Cayden!! My favorite thing about him right now is when I ask "Who loves his mommy?' and he raises his arms and shout "I DO, I DO!!!" You are doing a fabulous job being his mommy...knowing he will do things in his own time! I love you both so much... and that Cyle too!!