Thursday, January 13, 2011

My baby girl is 5 months already. I can't believe that.
She is eating her fruits and veggies like a champ and finally growing (everything but her hair!)
She's definitely got a personality...she's very spunky. I have a feeling she's gonna be my trouble! But she's so darn cute!
She's obsessed with chewing on her fingers these days, drooling like a champion, and loves playing with the toes on her right foot (random, I know but she loves it!) It's to the extent that I pull that foot out of her little outfits so she can get to her piggies! So funny :-)
Check her out! Sitting up like a big girl, with her little hands folded. And look how she's grown! So much bigger than her little 1 week photo with that pillow :-)
Cayden is still obsessed with his little sister, until she slobbers on him! He loves to get just close enough for her to grab at him, then he just rolls away...laughing that big belly laugh of his!
Going in for the kiss....
So here's my big man...with mama's shoes on! I bought myself the Zumba fitness videos for Christmas, and Cayden loves to do "my work" with me! He cracks me up. Every time he sees me putting on my tennis shoes, he runs and gets his shoes, brings them to me and says, "Mama! I do work too!?" Then he insists on putting his shoes, stands in front of me and proceeds to step forward and back yelling "Front and Center, Back and Center!" We'll both be in great shape in no time!
This is a typical afternoon in my living room! Cayden playing hard (in his mis-matched jammers) while Mya sits and watches in awe.

These two play all day! Cayden asks me all the time, "Mama, Mya get me?!" And he shrieks and squeals when I put her on him, or stand her up and "pretend" walk her towards him to "get him!" Lots of fun...more pictures to come!


Diana Lesjak said...

Oh I love the new pictures!! Mya "getting" Cayden~ so very fun! Hugs to my gems!

Roxi's Reasons... said...

Oh, I LOVE how Mya and Cayden enjoy each other so
much ! Cayden is such a love !! Adorable pictures !!