Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sick Days

So Mr. Cayden had a rough start to this new year. Started out with a simple cold, and runny nose, and quickly got worse near the end of January. By the beginning of February, we had had three trips to the doctor, an overnight stay in the hospital, lots of medicine, and countless breathing treatments. Sick days mean lots of moaning, groaning and sleepless nights for everyone involved.
Here's a video Cayden sent Daddy before going to the doctor and being admitted. Breathing was very fast and shallow, and he was just plain Miserable!

He was admitted to the Pediatric Department in the hospital where I work...which definitely has its perks! He was given lots of toys to play with while we were there, and even more to take home with us! We set up covered mats on the floor right next to his bed, and he played here for hours - breaking only to do his breathing treatments every 2 hours!

He gave me his "Happy Face" despite coughing nonstop and feeling pretty crappy!
He was diagnosed with RSV before the night was over, but the rest of his bloodwork was all normal. Cayden (and Mama) didn't sleep much that night, but when he did catch a few minutes of sleep, the coughing stopped and he looked pretty peaceful.

By morning he was feeling better, with treatment intervals increasing to every 3-4 hours. He hadn't had much of an appetite since this illness started, but was pretty interested in watching Mickey Mouse House and popping Cheerios in the hospital bed!

By 10am his doctor had made her rounds, and she was confident that I could continue to take care of him in the comfort of our own home (perks of being a nurse!). So we were excited to get outta there, and spent the next few days doing treatments and medicine at home! We followed up with the doctor after the weekend passed - Cayden was still pretty miserable through the nights, not sleeping and with fever. Ended up that he had a double ear infection on top of everything. Ugh! But I'd have to say that as of today, 2/5/11, he's Much better! Still on antibiotics, and treatments now only as needed, we're on the road to recovery!
And if you're wondering about little Mya...yes. RSV is quite contagious. I'm positive that she ended up with it as well, to a much lesser degree. She has been very snotty, with a terrible cough, but with treatments for her as needed, she's handling it pretty well! For a while there, I felt like placing my children in quarantine somewhere! But we made it through the worst of it...with much thanks to Meme who allowed for some respite time for Mama!
Is winter over yet?!?!

1 comment:

Roxi's Reasons... said...

It's so hard on mom and dad when the kids aren't feeling well. Cayden , always the sweet little could see in the pictures, that he was trying to make the best of it . I love the happy face smile ! Glad to hear that he's feeling better !