In this post, I want to include 3 special days that we encountered this month! Lots of cute photos (of course) and some updates!
First, and Most Important...
March 16th, 2011- Our Boy Cayden celebrated One Year Break-Free!!
A year has passed, without a cast!
We are so proud...more than we could ever express with words. Milestones seem so much sweeter when we have never travelled this path before, and didn't really know what we were going to be in for...So everyday is a new journey, and we will continue on this path with Cayden far into the future. If it continues like this, I'm confident we will all be just fine!

To my Cayden,
Mama and Daddy love you more than you'll ever know. We are so proud of the boy you've become in your two and a half short years. Your strength, personality and perseverance absolutely amaze us everyday. You are a joy, and the brightest light in our lives. You have worked so hard in therapy this last year, and have become so much stronger and confident. You are smarter than I can even believe sometimes, and are well aware of your capabilities and limitations with your "brittle bones." Continue to do great work...grow big and strong like daddy! We believe that you can achieve anything, and we will be standing right behind you through it all. Love you, Lover!

Next, came St. Patrick's Day! I saw this as a good photo opportunity! They were too darn cute not to capture them together!

And last, but certainly not least, my Mya mouse turned 7 months! I never posted her weight for her 6 month doc visit, but she was 15 pounds 9 ounces at that point...and she's still growing! Mya is very particular about what she likes, and what she doesn't. For the most part, she's a pretty serious little stinker. There's one thing that brings the biggest smile to her face, without a doubt...everytime...and that's the sight of DADDY. She's obsessed. I could be with her all day long,and maybe she'll crack an occasional smile...but when Dad comes home from work, the grin is from ear to ear, and the giggles begin! Jealous...but it's really pretty cute!
She's working on sitting independently these days, and she's starting to get the hang of it!

Always checking things out around her...very observant!
The stink face!

But so stinkin' lovable!
This week couldn't have gotten much better! I'm lucky!
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