Thursday, July 10, 2008


Thought we'd share the latest update from the doctor visit we had on Tuesday...I was 37 weeks and 3 days, so they gave me the choice of whether or not we wanted her to check my cervix (they typically wait until week 38, but hey...I'm close!) So I opted to have her check it out- figuring it couldn't hurt, it would be nice to know, and maybe, just maybe it might help things along! :-) So the verdict centimeter! The process has officially begun, there's no going back now! I was hoping for more than that by some miracle, but one is better than none! I'll take it :-) He's definitely dropped lower, resulting in more pelvic pressure. These are all good signs...we're so ready!! Any ideas on how we can move things along?! I think I've researched everything online, but I'm definitely open to any advice that any of you might have that maybe worked for you or someone you know! Just leave us a comment...we'll try it out, and let you know if any of your ideas work! Sounds like a fun game to me!


Diana Lesjak said...

Wish I knew one...I will tell you about the "Burst of energy" happens before labor and you suddenly have to urge to clean, scrub, vaccum, sweep anything you can!!! I experienced this with all four of you! You'll see!! love meme

Beckie said...

A few jumps on the ol' trampoline always brought on labor for me!