It's Almost Time!!
I am nearly at the 37 week mark! I now see my doctor weekly, and at my 35 week appointment, she told me that my belly was measuring small and that she wanted to get one more ultrasound before I'm due - just to make sure Mya is still growing well. So one week later, 36 weeks, we had an ultrasound and another appointment. Cyle couldn't get out of work, so Meme and cayden came along to the ultrasound with me. Cayden was too funny! Every time the image on the screen changed: her feet, her belly, her spine...Cayden would gasp then say "Mama...T. REX!!" So yes. My two year old son thinks I'm baking a large, toothy dinosaur. AWESOME! Won't he be bummed when in a matter of 22 days (or less!!) Mama in fact brings home a sweet baby girl. A Real Girl. :-)
So we found out that her approximate weight at this stage is 5 pounds, 11 ounces. The doctor tells me that this is absolutely fine. She basically guaranteed me that I wouldn't be having an 8 pound baby, but in no way was she considered "too small." She'll just be a little peanut, and I'm just fine with that! Here are the last few pictures before we actually get to meet real life!
Of course she stayed true to herself, and was the same little nutball she's been the entire pregnancy - hiccuped through the whole ultrasound and kept her hand up by her face. But she moved just long enough to catch a glimpse of this face!
Even Mya is's almost time! :-)
Oh my little mouse Mya... I am shopping this week for some premmie clothes for her! I can't wait to meet her!
Aw....super cute! And too funny Cayden thinks his little sister is a dinosaur! I'm happy she is healthy and we can't wait to meet her! Love and miss you!
Tegan and Kelley
Can't wait to meet you Mya!! Finish baking and come out and play!!!
Ohh, so cute ! Not long now and she'll be "roaring" with big brother Cayden ! Can't wait to meet her !!!
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