Friday, April 10, 2009


We made it to Florida...and its SO nice!!  Cayden handled his first airplane ride like a CHAMP! No crying, no sleeping, just people-watching and playing! (And all with a broken leg and an ear infection!!) He's amazing!
So here are a few pictures of his very first swimming experience in the pool - and we're so excited the waterproof cast cover WORKS!!
He loves the "big bath tub!"

Hanging out in the shade for a bit!
Having so much fun in the sun!
Thanks Meme and Papa for letting us come!!
Watch for more!  We'll be updating throughout the vacation!!


Craft College said...

im so excited cayden can go in the pool he looks like he loves it its great i feel im there with you guys love yaya

Jerry, Chantal & The Girl Gang said...

I'm glad to hear after the bad week last week, you are able to enjoy yourselves this week! Looks like you are having fun! Thanks for sharing!