Tuesday. August 17th, 2010...
I woke up early this day, around 5:30 am...just another day. Except today I picked up a day shift at work, so I was headed in at 7am instead of my 11am shift. I got to work just fine, nothing new. We had no patients, so my pals Monica, Jess and I were just hanging out at the nurses station, chatting. Jess said to me that she had a weird dream the night before that she wouldn't see me at work because I had a baby this day. I laughed and said that would be fine with me!! We wandered to the cafeteria to grab a quick breakfast before any patients arrived for the morning...once again, feeling just fine. It was now about 8:30am...we were walking back, I was headed to the bathroom and MY WATER BROKE! I didn't panic, I simply snuck into the bathroom (hoping nobody saw what just happened!) I texted my mom to ask what it was like when it really happened...though I had already known in my mind that this was for real. I peeked my head out of the bathroom and called for my friend Monica - thank god she was there that day and I felt 100% comfortable in a rather awkward situation!! She came, and I told her what had happened, sent her out to my car to grab my packed bag, then I quickly called to tell Cyle that today was going to be the day! Once changed, I waited in our unit for Cyle to arrive (the whole time our Peds doc reminding me that I needed to head upstairs soon because he didn't deliver any babies before 10am! Ha!) I'll admit, it was pretty convenient to be two floors away from where I needed to be, so I wasn't too worried that I wouldn't make it up there in time. Still no contractions however.
Cyle arrived, and we were off, receiving lots of "good lucks!" in the hallway by other co-workers on the way upstairs. In triage, everything looked good - 2 cm dilated. No contracting yet. After a little while, we were sent over to the birthing center - ending up in the very same room I delivered Cayden just 2 short years ago. Time went on, rather slowly at first...I was a pin-cushion for 3 different people, finally obtaining IV access on the 4th attempt! I was hooked up to the fetal monitors at this point, and was having contractions, but they were still irregular and not painful at all for me. So we waited.....12:40pm....My wonderful nurse, Linda, came in and told me that Dr. Starck wanted her to start Pitocin to move things along a little faster. So that's what we did. By 1:15 I was having strong, regular contractions. My mom arrived at the hospital, bringing a great big picture of my little man's face, that we taped to the bathroom door across from me and used for a focal point. Adorable. I moved from the bed, to the rocker, and they just kept coming. Stronger and more frequent as the minutes passed. At 2:45, I made the decision that I wanted something for pain...and we headed back to the bed to try to get more comfortable. At this time I was 5 cm! It's almost time!!
I got the lovely Epidural at 3:15 pm, and this time it worked like a charm. I was pain-free, but still able to identify when I was contracting. I tried my best to get some rest at this time - Mya's heart rate was decreasing after my contractions, so Linda placed an oxygen mask on my face, and let me know that her cord was being compressed and that she would continue to watch that closely. I stayed calm...I had the same thing with Cayden, and I kept trying to remind myself that everything worked out just fine, and that it would be just fine this time too. I was in good hands. Around 3:40 Linda checked me again and we were at 8cm. My Dr. was on the phone at the nurses station asking at that point how dilated I was...Linda told her, and Dr. Starck said that she was on her way. We waited. I quickly began to feel a LOT of pressure and told my nurse right away. She checked me then....and right there was little Mya's head! Things started moving very fast then: Mom and Cyle were telling me to stay calm and breathe; Linda told Cyle to hit the call button right away; She told the nurse on the other end to get the house doctor here right away; She told me to "blow out the candle!" and NOT TO PUSH!; No Dr. Starck; No house doctor; NO Freakin' candle to blow out!; She told Cyle to hit the call button again; Both doctors are still "on their way"; Still trying to blow out a non-existent candle!; Holding Cyle's hand; Linda says, "We NEED a doctor now!"; I said, "I NEED A DOCTOR NOW!"; RIGHT NOW!!; I said "I'm not pushing, but this isn't working...she's coming out right now and I CAN'T stop her...SOMEBODY get down there!!
My mom told Linda that she could do it...that she had to do it. Still no doctor. Another nurse came in to help...but still no doctor. Mya slipped out on her own free will, with no help from me. The cord was wrapped around her neck. Linda successfully got the cord over Mya's head, and finished delivering her. My baby girl was perfect. She's been trouble for the last few months of pregnancy...why would I think her delivery would be any different?! :-)
Mya Brynn Wilkinson
was placed on my chest
Tuesday, August 17th, 2010
Daddy meets his new baby girl...Love at first sight.

The weigh in: an even SIX pounds!
What a beauty.
Bonding Time. So happy to have her in our arms.
Mama...couldn't be happier (and feeling great!)
Check back for more of the story...it's not over yet!